Tony Millionaire in “Fun With God”

Whether it’s jet-lag delirium, an abiding love for handcranked slapstick comedy, an abiding love for my homeland’s Rayban-wearing forefathers, or an abiding love for Tony Millionaire that has sent me over the edge, this is making me die:

By the way, The Art of Tony Millionaire is coming out on Sept 2nd. A most beautiful and long overdue collection of gorgeous, fanciful and hilarious art. Geddit.

5 Responses to “Tony Millionaire in “Fun With God””

  1. Infamous Amos Says:


    I think we’ve all been there.

  2. Andy Says:

    Does this mean that the little fat german kid is the son of God?

  3. copyranter Says:

    Maakies is the best strip in the history of humanity.

  4. monkey Says:

    The mood and exclamations of the puppet-master (“Fuck!” “Just DO IT!!”) reflect exactly how I feel when trying to make small talk with my coworkers in the morning. My body as puppet, unresponsive and awkward, making a real mess of it. “Are you RETARDED?” Yes!!

    New to Coilhouse, absolutely love it. Thank you so much and carry on!

  5. Lina Says:

    This was amazing. It made me wonder if we’re not all just marionettes, controlled by those who died and went to heaven (George Washington?), with different people taking over as time goes by. Sometimes we’re graceful, sometimes we’re really clumsy, sometimes we spontaneously choke on our food… and now I know why. Thanks, Mer!