Little Boat

I’ve featured Nelson Boles’s work before, specifically his trailer for non-existent film Orfeu. His newest is called, simply, Little Boat and features the same painterly style that I find so endearing about his work. Little Boat is also far more minimalist than Orfeu, something he uses to great effect. Beautiful, beautiful stuff.

Via Cory Schmitz

4 Responses to “Little Boat”

  1. Tertiary Says:

    Extremely lovely.

  2. Un petit bateau plein d’émotion Says:

    […] un peu de vie à travers une narration implicite très efficace. [vimeo 22894261 560 340] Coilhouse via The Mary […]

  3. Erin Says:

    What a wonderful piece! Beautiful, indeed.

  4. Clint Rowley Says:

    Outstanding! Very well done indeed.