Einstein on a stick


The Einstein Robot isn’t new – a creation of Hanson Robotics, he was revealed at the 2006 NextFest, has been on the cover of Wired, etc. He’s downright famous. While some might find this little guy creepy, I happen to love him. But not without a bittersweetness – it makes me sincerely sad to know that in Einstein’s time we didn’t have the technology to preserve his head [+ brain] and stick it on a robot. And maybe make him fly, while we’re at it. He’d be powerful, zoom around, invent, solve. It just isn’t fair!

Oh, irony.

Oh, irony.

Click below for a video of Einstein-bot in action.

[kml_flashembed movie="http://youtube.com/v/adgSymm0Bdc" width="400" height="330" wmode="transparent" /]

10 Responses to “Einstein on a stick”

  1. Pop Chaser Says:

    I completely agree…it isn’t fair. Had our collective technological and cognitive resources been focused in the direction of transhumanism over the course of history, we’d all be zooming around, breathing underwater, and solving cosmological mysteries with Einstein’s head right now!

    Oh well…at least we have this cute Ein-bot as consolation.

  2. Jerem Morrow Says:

    After his FIVE FISTS OF SCIENCE, your Robo-Einstein is a tale I’d love to see Matt Fraction cook up.

  3. lauren Says:

    i feel a nightmare coming on… that picture’s going to haunt me.

  4. Schoschie Says:

    His face is incredibly good. It looks very real. A bit sad he’s stupid »My name is Albert Einstein. I am a physicist.«.

  5. LOL President » Blog Archive » UR Dead German Says:

    […] Source: Coilhouse […]

  6. E. Black Says:

    Now I want a giant Mecha with Einstein’s head on it. This is what I get from loving anime with giant robots and also having a fondness for Einstein.

  7. zoetica Says:

    E: there is always this action figure. There are a couple out there, actually – neither does him justice, in my opinion!

  8. K r i s t i Says:

    Aw, I met Mr.Einsteinbot. He is Squishy! …and your idea about preserving brains should definetly start coming into play! now i am thinking about robocop…

  9. Ben Morris Says:

    Hanson Robotics also made a Philip K. Dick robot. Apparently the robot’s head disappeared in transit somehow. I could totally see robotic head theft as a plot element in a Dick novel.

  10. Twosixteen Says: