Fantastic Contraption Artist: Christopher Conte

Christopher Conte is a Norwegian artist and designer of prosthetic limbs. He studied in the States and his prowess in both art and science has led him to create some of my favorite biomechanical sculptures to date. One of the outstanding aspects of Christopher’s work is how functional it looks. This is the sort of technology I imagine wandering the face of uncharted planets or carrying out assorted tasks here on Earth. Clean lines, efficient design that looks straight off some futuristic lab’s assembly line and a keen understanding of mechanics sets Conte’s work apart. I can’t wait to see it up close at the show!

A bit about Christopher Conte from his website:

After earning a BFA from Pratt Institute, he entered the prosthetics field and began making artificial limbs for amputees in New York. Combining an abiding love for sculpture, medical science and biomechanics, the field enables Chris to apply his natural talents to help others in less fortunate situations, which he still does to this day. All along, creating sculpture never escaped his deepest passion. In 2007, Chris began offering these unique pieces for sale to the public for the first time.

Also see Fantastic Contraption artist: Stephane Halleux

3 Responses to “Fantastic Contraption Artist: Christopher Conte”

  1. Sterlingthorne Says:

    Why do i immediately think of the borg when viewing this? I wish i could go to that show!!!!

  2. Tequila Says:

    Love his work…so intricate and polished. It’s so beautiful with the way he lets the metal and materials in general stand out. It’s so clean without feeling sterile…such great designs.

  3. Sean Barrett » Blog Archive » Christopher Conte Says:

    […] Contraption artist Christopher Conte. How cool is that? Article here. […]