Milwaukee Mike’s Definitive Phantom Menace Review

Chances are good you’ve already heard tell of Mike from Milwaukee and his 70 minute long YouTube video review of The Phantom Menace. But have you actually taken the time to sit down and watch this vitriolic magnum opus?! I’m not gonna say “you haven’t lived” or anything, but this has got to be one of the funniest, most devastating blockbuster smackdowns in the history of cinema, let alone the internet.

Post-holiday depression can be a bitch. Let heathenish laughter cure what ails you, and pass the pizza rolls.

8 Responses to “Milwaukee Mike’s Definitive Phantom Menace Review”

  1. Nzinga Says:

    That was one of THE MOST hilarious things I have ever seen on youtube!

  2. Tequila Says:

    Ah how this has been making the rounds. Well deserved too!

    I honestly thought I’d heard ALL one could about how much Episode 1 sucked. After years of it aging about as gracefully as a meth addict one would think it’s flaws were pretty bright and easy to see.

    Clearly I was wrong. Even if one only watches part 1…it’s worth it. This totally deserves a DVD release of some sort.

  3. Evelyn Christ Says:

    I didn’t think I would watch this whole thing considering I don’t really care about Star Wars, but this review was a really well made and extremely funny argument. Thanks!

  4. m1k3y Says:

    I lost my shit at 4:32. Trying to press on. This could take all night!

  5. nadmai Says:

    “what is it with Ricks?!” this is full of great lines. Thanks very much for the tip

  6. fortheloveofthestars Says:

    I couldn’t get past the mouth full of rocks voice. :(

  7. Mer Says:

    Aw, poops! Your loss… dude is brilliant. :)

    Oh, heads up– this is a playlist of all 7 parts, not just the first 10 min.

  8. fortheloveofthestars Says:

    Mer: I might give it a chance in the future. You guys rarely steer us wrong!