Amanda Palmer and Neil Gaiman’s Happy Nude Year

Quickly! A sneak peek of some (very happy, glowy) people we’ll be featuring in Issue #05:

photo credit: Allan Amato/Coilhouse

(And everybody goes “AWWWWWWW.”)

So far, 2010 has indeed been a happy nude year for musician Amanda Palmer and her beau, author Neil Gaiman. On New Year’s Eve, Amanda joined the Boston Pops Orchestra for the second year running to perform both Dresden Dolls and solo material (as well as passionately ravish Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No. 1), and at some point during the course of the night, Neil proposed. They publicly announced their engagement on January 15th. A day later, the lovebirds met up with our wondrous Mister Allan Amato in NYC, who took these photos for an upcoming Coilhouse Magazine feature on their creative life together. They like that top portrait so much, they’re using it as their official engagement press photo. Yay!

photo credit: Allan Amato/Coilhouse

At 4am the next morning, they boarded a plane to LA and went directly to the Golden Globes, where, as the Huffington Post put it, Amanda “immediately became the most interesting thing at the awards.” (Heeee hee hee hee hee. Some things never change.) Congratulations, you two.


So, hey… things are kind of chaotic around here for the next few days, owing to the Whitechapel residency and all of us juggling multiple balls. Please forgive me for consolidating the following announcement with the Gaimanda Impending Nuptials Declaration, but my co-editors and I would also like to mention that Coilhouse Issue #04 has OFFICIALLY SOLD OUT in the online store.

Wow. It’s been what, a month?! We’re floored. Thank you for your overwhelming support and patronage! For those of you (in the States, at least) who missed the cutoff, fret not. There are still copies available in select Barnes & Noble stores across the country. Full list of stores here. Just be sure to call ahead to reserve your copy. There’s also Meltdown Comics in LA, Wildilocks in Australia, and… well… me in New Zealand. (Kiwis, just pipe up in comments and I’ll arrange to get your info.)

Onward and upward, comrades! Please do drop by the Whitechapel thread if you get the chance. There’s some really lively discussion happening over there, and we’d love to see more of our beloved blog readers chime in.

21 Responses to “Amanda Palmer and Neil Gaiman’s Happy Nude Year”

  1. Carrie Clevenger Says:

    What a FINE feature for Issue 5! Can’t wait to see it

  2. Infamous Amos Says:

    Just, uh… just throwing this out there, but uh…anyone who made an order for Issue 4 in the last few days… like, yesterday, for example… is still gonna get one, right?


  3. Mer Says:

    Amos, if you placed a money order, it’s on its way. :)

  4. Kambriel Says:

    Fantastic emotions from both Neil and Amanda caught in those portraits!

    Speaking of the Golden Globes, I just uploaded a photo of Neil & Amanda with Miss A wearing the silk bustle I made for her to wear to the GG afterparties that night (the one that’s infamously resting at the ukulele case in the naked photo!):

  5. Infamous Amos Says:

    Ah, thank god. Now my attention can be shifted to super happy glee about the unholy union of two of my favorite people.

    Great shots. Neil’s face-and-finger-point combo in the bottom left pic is quite priceless.

  6. Iris Says:

    Those pictures are adorable, they both look quite blissful.

    This might be a dumb question, but did someone draw her eyebrows in with a sharpie? I’m not really up on today’s fashions, but is this a thing?

    Serious, not sarcastic.

  7. Mer Says:

    Iris, I suppose you could say it’s “an Amanda thing.” She’s been shaving and drawing on her own eyebrows for as long as I’ve know her (almost ten years). Do a Google image search, you’ll see. :)

  8. Richard C. Says:

    I get older, I get fatter. Neil Gaiman gets older… and he gets sexy? Where’s the the justice in that?
    [end of grumble]

    They look amazing together.

  9. lumivalkoinen Says:

    aww, i still get jelly knees remembering neil signing my black pvc skirt in high school, in silver, and drawing the sandman on it, no less!

  10. PapaKeilbasa Says:

    So there’s no way you guys can restock? ):
    I live in Canada and have nowhere to by the magazine from.. I was definetly too late on this one :/

  11. R. Says:

    I’ll be keeping my eye out for Issue 5. I found out about the engagement on Neil’s blog. I’m so happy for them both.

  12. Christiane Says:

    These pictures make me all smiley :) Can’t wait to see the feature!

  13. JBL Says:

    Perhaps it’s just me, but I am kind of mortified for Amanda Palmer because she stripped down on the red carpet at the Golden Globes. I’m all for free-spiritedness and lovely, nude women in most public places, but dear god, woman, keep your clothes on at such a prestigious event! I want people to be all abuzz about your TALENT, not your shenanigans.

  14. Iris Says:

    I guess shaving is less painful than plucking/waxing. Which I loath, but do anyway. A good idea, actually.

  15. Tequila Says:

    The picture is beautiful, so much charm and love in it. Quite the nice surprise and can’t wait to read what it’s attached to in issue #5.

    What a union and art those two will make…aren’t we lucky?

    @lumi…haha that’s awesome. Curious what his hand drawn Sandman looks like.

    @JBL…I dunno if the Golden Globes are all that “prestigious” really. They are in the same category as an Emmy. If anything her shenanigans is exactly what these kind of events need. They are all so painfully boring.

  16. Michelle Says:

    @JBL apparently what happened is that they were leaving and the photographers complained about not getting any photos of her dress. she’d already changed, so she changed back into it on the red carpet (with nobody there but the photogs and Neil) so they could take photos. although I personally agree with Tequila; red carpet events don’t make it as prestigious in my book!

    The photos are ADORABLE. & although it’s awesome that you guys sold out, I wish it hadn’t been so quick! Now I have to call everyplace in Austin and see if they have any copies left!

  17. Alasdair Says:

    Great pictures. Slightly funny story: I’ve been a fan of Neil Gaiman for years, and I’ve loved Amanda Palmer and her music for at least a year or two as well. But it was only recently that I actually realised two of my heroes were a couple! You wouldn’t believe how happy that made me. (And how dumb I felt for not knowing…) :)

  18. Charlotte Says:

    Holy shit! What’s the point of me following them both on twitter, if I’m still the last to find something like this out? :P

  19. Hannah Says:

    *Pipes up*
    Hey, I’m a Kiwi…And I would LOVE to get my hands on an issue of Coilhouse! :) My email is

  20. Danica Says:

    whaaaAAAttt?? I waited cuz I’m out of the country but apparently that was dumb! I must have a copy! You must reprint! I’m obsessed with Coilhouse!

    *emails wildilocks and agrees to pay extortionate amounts for one of their copies or some other desperate plan*

  21. rickie Says:


    1. i am really happy that coilhouse is featuring neil gaiman and amanda palmer in the next issue. i’ve been reading neil’s blog for a while now and i feel like we’re friends…although i guess i’m just cyber stalking, since he’s never really reciprocated, as far as i know. i’m really excited about this upcoming article!

    2. i bought my issue of #4 at borders, who didn’t carry coilhouse until #3, and made sure they were all in front. yep.

    p.s. i have a crush on the coven.