Better Than Coffee: FUCKIN TEA

There ain’t been this much testosterone in a BTC since our Sweaty, Burly, Stubbly, Groiny Manslice Edition!


12 Responses to “Better Than Coffee: FUCKIN TEA”

  1. Kentron Says:


  2. Ben Morris Says:

    This is more or less the best depiction of my opinion about TEA I have ever seen. Extra emphasis on DARJEELING!

  3. JoAsakura Says:

    :laughing so hard, tears are rolling down my face:

  4. dicyfer Says:

    This woke me up more than my normal morning tea!

  5. Tertiary Says:

    This is exactly how I feel about all my fuckin’ tea.

  6. Vivacious G Says:

    Thank you for that. Just…thank you.

  7. Peter Says:

    I have found myself yelling, at full volume, “EMPIRES WILL FALL, STEAM WILL RISE!!!” with friends of mine. So good!

  8. rickie Says:

    i have not laughed that hard in a while!

  9. Jon Randle Says:

    I know someone who is a tea addict. I had to send this to him and his girlfriend. Awesome video.

  10. I ♥ Digitalyn Dot Net : The Wordslinger » Are you man enough for this tea? Says:

    […] for this tea? For my part I think I’ll stick to my chinese green tea for now mind you… (via) tagged linkslutting, Tea « 1D3P : J’aime Paris au mois de […]

  11. Dan Barry Says:

    Not only was this awesome, I actually recognized one of the Dudes! The guy with the black facepaint/tattoo & the star tats on his pecs was in a hilarious theatre show called Caligula Maximum at NYC’s LaMaMa. He was a gladiator, among other things. I wonder if casting him against the Roman background while he says “EMPIRES WILL FALL, STEAM WILL RISE!” is a sly wink at that.

  12. M.S. Patterson Says:

    I remain a fan of glorious FUCKIN TEA!

    Imma make some right now.

    Also, I now have a tea ball shapped like munky.