Animated Stevie Wonderfied Chiptune Folk Song FTW

The oldest known folk song of Japan is called Kokiriko-Bushi. Villagers in secluded Gokayama used to perform it in honor of local Shinto deities.

A wonderfully daft electro-pop wizard who goes by Omodaka came up with the idea to revamp the song with chiptune vocals and Stevie Wonder-isms. He then handed the track over to the equally wonderfully daft animator Teppei Makki, sick who made the following video. It features a breakdancing marionette skeleton cutting a rug with a dexterous disembodied hand and assorted Residents reminiscent eyeball-headed women at the cosmic discotheque. Enjoy:

(Via Pink Tentacle by way of Bram Clark.)

3 Responses to “Animated Stevie Wonderfied Chiptune Folk Song FTW”

  1. D Says:

    Sexy =) I may have seen on ectomo before, really fun animation.

  2. Mer Says:

    Ha, really? Tch. I often do a pre-post googling to avoid unnecessary overlap with those filthy miscreants. Neither “Omodaka” or “Teppei Makki” yielded results, so I figured I was safe. If my bloated corpse washes up under the docks a few days hence with suction cup marks and scrawled TMBG lyrics all over it, you’ll know who was retaliating.

  3. ampersandpilcrow Says:

    Well that improved my mood. Catchy.