Your Totem Animal, With You At All Times


Somewhere out there, there’s an alternate Philip Pullman reality where Dust settles in the form of dæmons that take shape from the strands of hair on your head. They whisper in your ear, telling you which way to go, and talk to each other while their people stand still. In our world, they would consider hairspray, straightening irons and combs an absolute travesty. If I had one, it would be a hedgehog.


Hair Hats by Nagi Noda, sent by Nicola via Jezebel/Neatorama

3 Responses to “Your Totem Animal, With You At All Times”

  1. Mer Says:

    I want a platypus.

  2. lizzelizzel Says:

    I thought it was photoshop until I went to their site!

  3. q gauti Says:

    those wacky japanese..