Better Than Coffee: Judi Sheppard Misset

Morning! Are any of you still in your sleep schlubs? Got 4 minutes to spare before heading to work?

For your consideration:

Shake it sugar, do it to it. Double dog dare ya. Aaow!

Physical fitness doesn’t get more nerdcore than this vintage clip of Judi Sheppard Misset and friends dancing to “Move Your Boogie Body” back in 1982. But let’s not laugh at Judi, let’s laugh with her; Jazzercise turns 40 this coming October. The woman-based, woman-owned company is still going strong, raking in $93 million last year in spite of the lousy economy. At the core of its long-winded success is Misset herself, with her unabashedly goofy Midwestern pep squad accent and megawatt energy level.

At 61 years of age, Misset is still teaching several classes a week and changing up the franchise routine every 10 weeks. Said franchise now incorporates yoga and pilates into its hour-long classes, and provides thousands of job opportunities for women worldwide. Alas, no more wacky 80s hairdos… but hey, legwarmers and sparkly leotards are still kosher. Find it! Feel it! Do it! Aaow!

A couple more butt-blasts from the past after the jump.

10 Responses to “Better Than Coffee: Judi Sheppard Misset”

  1. Find Your Boogie Body at Axehole Says:

    […] Coilhouse […]

  2. Tequila Says:

    I don’t think I can laugh at anyone brave enough to be told “Hey we’re gonna film this and put it on video…” and STILL go through with it.

    My hats off to these brave, brave souls.

    Now quickly someone redub these vids using Daft Punk songs.

  3. Ginja Says:

    I checked this out after watching the Pink Tenticle post on robot super models. It occures to me that once robots can jazzercise then humanity is doomed and excess carbon.

  4. Jon Munger Says:

    Move that boogie body…ALL NIGHT LONG! Do it! Put the fuckin’ lotion in the basket!

  5. cappy Says:

    Move that boogie body, eh.

    Shake it, you betcha.

  6. Ed Autumn Says:

    Hot dog!

  7. Vivacious G Says:

    I wonder if my mom still has this video…

  8. Olivia Says:

    Oh my. It’s Jimmy Stewart with bad 80’s hair and a leotard!

    HOT DOG!

  9. steph Says:

    i can’t thank you enough for this

  10. misty Says:

    That disturbed me because she looks like she has been left in a fryer too long.

    Hot dog!