Issue 04, Materialized!

FINALLY. Issue #04 of Coilhouse has taken corporeal form.

It’s haunted, you know. Or maybe it’s possessed. Or it could be we’ve got a grimoire on our hands.

All we know is, at some point during our editorial process—which normally involves very little cauldron-stirring or eye of newt, despite whatever “coven” rumors you may have heard—#04 took on a life of its own, and has since become a small, seething portal of the uncanny. It’s all a bit magic-with-a-k. We may giggle and wink (“O R’LYEH? IA, R’LYEH!”), but that doesn’t change the fact that these pages are spellbound. You will read of channeling and scrying, of shades and shamans, and phantoms both fabricated and inexplicable. You will meet reluctant oracles, occultists, and ghosts from the past.

Issue 04 is now available in our shop. For a limited time, you can purchase Issues 03 + 04 together for a discount price of $23! Click here to buy. Without further ado, the contents of Issue 04, below:

This issue’s Inform/Inspire/Infect section headers, crafted by Zoetica, are all about communing with animal spirits. Below: the INFORM header, titled Stork Whispers. The section header below also contains almost all the design motifs that creative director Courtney Riot conjured throughout the issue: smoke, burn holes, aged paper and tattered lace.

The Tarnished Beauties of Blackwell, Oklahoma
In mid 2008, we were captivated by the imagery Meredith Yayanos shared in a post describing her visit to an obscure, careworn prairie museum in a small Oklahoma town. More recently, Coilhouse enlisted one of our wonderful readers, Joseph A. Holsten, to return to The White Pavilion, where he archived dozens of high res portraits of long-grown, long-dead children of pioneer America. They are reproduced here in an extended version of the original Blackwell photo essay.

Bernd Preiml’s Exquisite Apparitions
Bernd Preiml’s photographs describe a world filled with magic and mystery, often coupled with a disconcerting sense that sinister forces may be lurking. Through his dark and shining visions, he weaves haunting tales that encompass violence as well as transcendence, beauty as well as wrath. Interview by longtime Coilhouse co-conspirator, Jessica Joslin.

Children by the Millions Wait For Alex Chilton: A Fractured Memoir of the Counterculture
Joshua Ellis returns to Coilhouse with a whip-smart personal essay examining his experience with alternative culture. Beginning with an endearing description of adolescent initiation-by-music and ranting its way into present day’s monoculture, “Children by the Millions” is an incisive evaluation of the death of societal revolution in our “been there, done that” world. Josh draws parallels between counterculture and ancient mysticism, while eloquently articulating a premise that’s been gestating in all of our minds since we first started discussing the living death of alt culture here on Coilhouse.

Calaveras de Azucar
Courtesy of photographer Gayla Partridge comes this toothsome autumnal fashion editorial inspired by el Día de los Muertos, with a corresponding overview by Mer on the festival’s historical and cultural significance.

Hauntings: The Science of Ghosts
Earlier this year, our Manchester-based correspondent Mark Powell traveled to a “Science of Ghosts” conference in Edinburgh hosted by esteemed psychologist Professor Richard Wiseman and other leading experts. Mark shares what he learned about the history, pathology (and quackery) of hauntings and spiritualism. With fetching spirit photos, daguerrotypes, and other vintage ephemera provided by archivists Jack & Beverly Wilgus.

Frog Prince

Kris Kuksi: Sculpting the Infinite
A substantial editorial featuring meticulous, hyper-detailed monuments to destruction sculpted by Missouri-born artist Kris Kuksi. In the coming days we’ll be posting an exclusive interview with Kris where he shares his thoughts on time, fixing humanity, and what might lie ahead. Introduction and interview by Ales Kot.

Still In The Cards: Alejandro Jodorowsky on King Shot, Comic Books and the Tarot De Marseilles
An informative, zany dialogue with one of modern cinema’s most iconoclastic masterminds, Alejandro Jodorowsky. The filmmaker who brought us The Holy Mountain, El Topo, and Santa Sangre speaks candidly about his past, present and future… as well as the roles that tarot, spirituality and comics have led in his more recent life. Article by Mark Powell.

Through the Mirror into the Forest: Kristamas Klousch
Our stunning cover girl’s self-portraiture explores a dark, kaleidoscopic array of facets; Kristamas is at once wild forest creature, fetish vixen, tousled witch, Lolita, courtesan, silent movie vamp and Voodoo priestess. Her ethereal photos race to capture each incarnation, just before the next comes out to play. Introduction by staffer Tanya Virodova.

Grant Morrison: Embracing the Apocalypse
Groundbreaking comic book writer Grant Morrison blows our minds with a massive ten-page interview that will gently squeeze your reality’s underbelly until you’re ready to take the future seriously. Grant sat down with Zoetica Ebb and Ales Kot for a three-hour talk covering everything from superheroes and interdimentional parasites to personal transformation and 2012. Featuring new portraits of Grant and his wife, Kristan, by Allan Amato.

Larkin Grimm: Advanced Shapeshifter
In a time when our culture seems to openly scorn –but secretly craves– magic, the musician Larkin Grimm is an unashamed and forthright power to be reckoned with. Interview by Coilhouse collaborator Angeliska Polacheck, as well as a review of the Musicka Mystica Maxima Festival curated by Grimm in NYC last fall.

Snake Charmer

Brave Old World
A  collaboration between Chad Michael Ward and  Bad Charlotte, this editorial takes the gorgeous model out of time and space, into a gauzy netherworld. With wardrobe by Mother of London.

CB I Hate Perfume: The Story of an Olfactory Architect
Christopher Brosius has been called “The Willy Wonka of Perfume” and is renowned for his eccentricity and passionate standpoint when it comes to both the art and the industry of scent-building. An intimate and inspiring interview about his work and philosophy, conducted by Angeliska.

Print to Fit: Mavens of Meatcake
What self-respecting, spellbound witchy-pooh magazine would be complete without paper dolls by Dame Darcy?! Featuring beloved characters from the darling Dame’s legendary long-running comic book, Meatcake.

41 Responses to “Issue 04, Materialized!”

  1. ghoulnextdoor Says:

    This issue looks like a sweetly scented, dulcet haunted occult dream come true, I cannot wait – great job everyone!

  2. Laura Gardner Says:

    Yes, purchased! Super excited to get it. This issue looks really inspiring.

  3. Rick Says:

    Squee! I’m buying the SHIT out of this.

    …once I can allocate an extra $20…

  4. Tanya Says:

    SO EXCITING!!!!!!!!

  5. Heather Says:

    just bought it! hooray! Happy Christmas, Solstice, and New Years all in one! x

  6. Shannon Says:

    Yay! So excited. 6 ordered to give to the people I love and have turned on to the house of coil.

  7. Jessica Says:

    *shriek* Jodorowsky is in it! Kuksi is in it! It looks beeeeYOUteeful!!!

  8. Claire Says:


  9. Angeliska Says:

    IAAAAAAAA! Oh my stars and garters EET EES GORGEOUS!
    I can’t wait to slobber all over that hot layout and devour the articles-
    so much incredible stuff in one issue, goddamn! Wow, wow, wow.
    So, so happy with the way it looks, y’all! Maximum kudos and glory be,
    I’m so honored to work with such a marvelous bunch of bad-asses!

  10. Steff Metal » Blog Archive » Up the Irons! for 22 December, 2009 Says:

    […] hungry  m/  making a to-do list for the Christmas holidays  m/  reorganizing my blog  m/  Coilhouse 4  m/  finding Subway to Sally albums in the bargain bin  m/  this Japanese chocolate shop  […]

  11. Nadi Says:

    YAY! i’m excited for this issue! Is it available at Borders yet!?

  12. Tequila Says:

    All that AND Grant Morrison?! Well if that don’t just beat all. I dig the snake charmer also…I’ve not even read it and it’s already my favorite issue. You ladies really upped the ante on this one. The layouts alone are sheer awesome.

    So when’s issue 5 coming out? :P

  13. Elfeeta Says:

    Alejandro Jodorowski! Damn I NEED to get this issue.

  14. Joelle Says:

    Wow! You’ve really outdone yourselves. I can’t wait to get it into my greedy, little hands.

  15. db Says:

    Good *lord*. You’re definitely not skimping on issue four! Always delighted to see Larkin Grimm getting an interview (she’s a sweetheart) and it’s hard to go wrong with Jodorowsky, plus (no surprise here) the layouts look *astonishing*. Well done!

  16. Mark Says:

    Holy crap guys, it looks insane. I’m blown away. SO proud and happy to be a part of this one – you’re all amazing! Bought in duplicate, with bells on. (That *was* a shipping option, right..?)

    Happy festive seasons, one and all. xx

  17. kyle cassidy Says:

    Kristamas Klousch is so fabulous. I’m excited she’s getting the press she deserves –you and she — what a perfect combination.

  18. R. Says:

    *makes grabby hands* Next week. I’ll get it next week. Mother of Pearl that is one pretty looking issue.

  19. Z.C. Says:

    Holy CRAP this looks exciting! Can’t wait for my issue to arrive!

  20. DAko Says:

    christmas + grandmother = coilhouse

  21. Ade Says:

    Can’t wait to get this!

  22. Roy Says:

    Tactile stimulus required prior to purchase. When can this be achieved at an LA Borders? Or elsewhere?

  23. Nadya Says:

    Everybody, I just wanted to say THANK YOU for your feedback. It was so rewarding to show off this issue and read the comments.

    @Mark: You know.. you really didn’t have to order the magazines. You get contributors’ copies! But since you did, we can send a copy as a gift to someone for you. Email me and let me know!

  24. Katie Says:

    This looks like the best issue yet! I can’t wait to buy it.

  25. rickie Says:

    something has been added to my xmas wish list!

  26. Chris L Says:

    Ia, R’lyeh.

    Thanks, guys! These just keep getting radder and radder. I don’t even buy magazines, like, ever. Except for Coilhouse.

  27. Alice Says:

    Coilhouse has completely changed my opinion about magazines. As a design student, I’m constantly told that magazines are only dying left and right, and that I should stop wasting my time on print design post-haste. Now I’m sure that the current state of print media will ensure that the halfheartedly created publications will die out and the most beautiful ones will stick around for a long time.

    In short, CH #4 = bought.

  28. Skerror Says:

    Hiya CH! Been awhile since I popped in here…and hot damn when I do…I see you have created the holy mother of god issue I think I’ve been waiting my entire life for. WOW!

    Looks like all the stuff I love, meeting n’ mingling in a beautiful way. Killer kickstart to 2010 this’ll be!

  29. Laura Gardner Says:

    Got mine yesterday and i’m in the UK so it was pretty quick this time! Not read much so far only the article on Blackwell, Oklahoma, but it was a really interesting article and the pictures were stunning. It made me want to take a road trip through America and make discoveries of my own. Truly an article after my own heart.

    Can’t wait to read the rest.

  30. Luciel Says:

    LOVE the magazine! But what’s with the code? ;) I think I cracked it.

  31. :: Things I Love Thursday :: Inspiring Stuff – 10 Jan ‘10 Says:

    […] finally, Coilhouse Issue 04 is out – I got mine in the mail in the last week or so. It is of course absolutely wonderful […]

  32. Arsnof Says:

    Evil mirror universe Picard?

  33. Disposable Darling » Blog Archive » Bionic Unicorn Says:

    […] You can see more info on it and preview pictures here. […]

  34. Christian A. Dumais Says:

    Can’t wait to get this issue.

  35. João Says:

    Argh, i didn’t have money in time to buy it. Please, Coilhouse 4 deserves a second edition!!!

  36. Callixte. Says:

    Too bad I did not order in time… Is there a reprint planned??

  37. Mariola Says:

    aaaagh.. god damn procrastination! I just wanted to buy the magazine right now.. and it´s SOLD OUT! I think that is a shout from the masses, that we all want a second edition of Issue 04! pleaase please!!!

  38. Anatomy of Pain « Red Light Laundry Says:

    […] Gaimanda Impending Nuptials Declaration, but my co-editors and I would also like to mention that Coilhouse Issue #04 has OFFICIALLY SOLD OUT in the online […]

  39. Jessica Says:

    Yes please! I second edition of Issue 04 would be lovely. Or perhaps I’m a little too late for even a that… Drat.

  40. _Mariken_ Says:

    It would be immensely appreciated if you would make a second edition of issue 04!

    Until (hopefully) then … – If anyone want’s to sell their copy, please contact me at

    Thank you so much <3

  41. Jenniver Says:

    GOT IT!!!! YAY! still need issuess #02 & #04… IF THRE R ANY EXTRAS OR ANYONE WILLING TO SELL I WILL BUY GLADLY!!! Love & Rockets, Jenniver