A Tribe of Dark and Poetic Creatures

Les gardiennes du temple : “La tordue “

Like a menagerie of majestic, menacing mythological creatures from savage campfire fables, or ancestral memories translated through the fantastical filter of dreams, Svene’s dark sculptures possess a primitive grace, a fierce  splendor, and a shadowy awareness of faith, and fear and love,   inextricably linked.

As a dance teacher, art director and choreographer for a collective, the enigmatic Svene’s  artistic path seemed to be mapped out;  during those years she had explored music, choreography and scenography….but felt that a part of her “remained asleep”

Then, in 2006:  an awakening, a change. This catalyst came in the mourning of her father’s passing, followed by the birth of her two sons. She realized a profound need to express herself differently – to create something that at once both represented herself and freed herself.  In 2007 she quit dancing to give her body a rest, and in her own words : “Motivated by some deep need to reveal my inner ancient memories, I give birth to my tribe of dark and poetic creatures”

Les gardiennes du temple : ” Kaoline “

Her inspiration, she says, stems from death and transformation:

– Our own death and that of those we love
– Subconscious fears
– The body, the soul, what remains of us? What imprint do we leave behind?
– How do we remember the dead?
– Death and beauty?

I question the subconscious, but I do not attempt to answer, as that which is important slumbers within us. Trying to understand the perpetual transformation cycle is like going down a path on which fear has no place, and on which the divine within all of us comes to light. I work essentially with recycled materials in an attempt to reveal their sacred dimensions, beyond codes and beyond time.

Les gardiennes du temple: ” Marianne ”

Les gardiennes du temple: “Le fardue”

Les gardiennes du temple: ” Rose Coco “

Svene is currently working on a “more ambitious project, an initiatory journey with installations to bring an emotional and sensory link” to her sculptures. She is planning for a show to take place in 2011 and is scouting out locations for this exhibition. More of her works can be found here.

4 Responses to “A Tribe of Dark and Poetic Creatures”

  1. rented Says:

    There seems to be some kind of advertising for Viagra and stuff in the code of this page. I noticed it when posting it to Facebook (in the sub-text section it creates) but if you open the source code for this page, it’s in there.

  2. Nadya Says:

    Rented, I noticed it today, too. It just appeared in the past few days. It’s happened before one time. It’s some sort of SQL injection exploit. Will fix it ASAP!

    S, Svene’s work is amazing. I’m pretty brain-dead right now, so I will just say: thank you for posting.

  3. asha beta Says:

    Great find!!
    I especially love what the artist has to say about her work “…going down a path in which fear has no place..”
    Her sensitivity and openness to this “transformational cycle” makes these images so compellingly lovely and sad and gently cathartic, the use of recognizably mundane objects works perfectly.
    I can’t wait to check out her next project!

  4. A Tribe of Dark and Poetic Creatures « ICHIBAN WEAPON READY: The Simon Drax Blog Says:

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