Erotic Falconry. NSFW. (Or Sanity, For That Matter.)

Uncomprehending brainmeats… convulsing…

Desperate, hysterical tears of laughter… streaming…

Do not question why. Or what. Or how. Just… click to behold the conundrum that is Erotic Falconry.

Whaddaya think, guys? Are these real-life avian fetishists, or ambitious surrealist hoaxters? After reading their ridiculous bio page,  the latter seems more likely. (Thankfully.) Then again, you know what they say… “there’s porn of EVERYTHING on the interwub.”


Previously featured feathered follies:

7 Responses to “Erotic Falconry. NSFW. (Or Sanity, For That Matter.)”

  1. Kitsune Chan Says:

    Adds a new meaning to the Australian term “budgie smuggler”

  2. dr.hypercube Says:

    A (w)hole new take on chokin’ the chicken.

    I’m going on record here – I have NEVER been tempted to put a raptor in my drawers. I don’t care what Fred sez about giant claws and razor sharp beak.

  3. Karen Says:

    And here I thought this kink had reached its apex with Ladyhawke.

  4. brian Says:

    Hahaha, so awesome

  5. Emily Says:

    Wow. This has replaced Bad Dragon’s site for the weirdest thing I’ve seen this month.

  6. Falconry would really up my sex appeal. | Thrill Seeking Behavior Says:

    […] Sadly, falcons are tricky to keep, and like other animals kept for hunting, they aren’t pets. Further, they aren’t very social animals, so the amount of time required to form this bond is massive. They’re territorial animals, and not domesticated at all– you’re essentially training them to think of you as a moving marker of their territory.  One estimate I saw, from another charismatic looking female falconer, was 3 hours a day, plus most of the days on weekends; falconry groups advise that those interested consider how their spouses would deal with the time demands. The payback is that you get to have a falcon and become immeasurably sexier and more interesting like this other hot lady. Hard to argue with that. I guess I can always dream. Spend my time looking at some seriously beautiful falconry porn. Also try to avoid that other kind of falconry porn. […]

  7. Meredith Yayanos Says:

    Hoh mai gahd. Spam gem of the MONTH!