Banksy Directs BRUTAL Sweatshop “Couch Gag”

Well, here’s something you don’t see every week:

The Simpsons team has celebrated a long history of poking fun at themselves for outsourcing to South Korea. Even so, it’s surprising to see the famed street artist, Banksy, taking this sweatshop couch gag to such darkly humorous depths.

7 Responses to “Banksy Directs BRUTAL Sweatshop “Couch Gag””

  1. m1k3y Says:

    Clerks did it:

  2. Meeks Says:

    Ouch. That was pretty brutal. But nicely done.

  3. Dedalus Root » Blog Archive » Simpsons Couch Gag by Banksy Says:

    […] via Coilhouse […]

  4. Holly-Rae Says:

    I wonder how much of Banksy’s paycheck went to No Sweat or a similar anti-sweatshop campaigns group. Hmmm…

  5. Emily Says:

    Well that was rather ominous.

  6. Lorigami Says:

    I saw this linked last night on Facebook, right after watching the Simpson air. Here in Atlanta, they CHANGED this opener. We didn’t get to see any of the sweatshop stuff, it was replaced by a line drawing of the sofa crew. I’m trying to find the version I saw, but frankly I’m also wondering why no one else noticed Fox shafted us.

  7. fortheloveofthestars Says:

    You know what’s really sad? I actually thought “how do I get me one of those jobs.” :(