Devastating/Gorgeous Music Video for "Small Hands" by Keaton Henson

Via Jhayne.

Director Joseph Mann, in cahoots with the puppeteering team Jonny & Will, has crafted this sweet, beautiful, and incredibly sad music video for musician Keaton Henson.

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If you are a tenderhearted soul who can’t watch music videos like “I Will Follow You Into the Dark” and “Madder Red” or the movie Watership Down without bawling your eyes out, well… you probably shouldn’t watch this. But it’s beautifully done.

5 Responses to “Devastating/Gorgeous Music Video for "Small Hands" by Keaton Henson”

  1. Le Dilettante Says:

    No happy ending there!

  2. La Môme Néant Says:


  3. camilla Says:

    Oh god, the lonely snail… Pardon me while I quietly weep to myself.

  4. samantha emanuel Says:

    I think that hit me harder than watership down…..Gahhhhhh

  5. Tina Cassati Says:

    wonderfully and sadly – nature is hard