“The triumph of intellect and romance…”

…over brute force and cynicism.”

stuff 0, drugstore 40, shop 0″>

Slim just linked to this (apparently unaired) Craig Ferguson/Dr. Who clip with the comment “my new manifesto!” WORD.

13 Responses to ““The triumph of intellect and romance…””

  1. Meredith Yayanos Says:

    Ps: hi comrades! This mindless 3am post brought to you by jet-lag and pre-interview jitters. (Tomorrow morning I’m interviewing one of my very favorite living authors for Coilhouse! And we will probably talk about Doctor Who. Wish me luck!)

  2. voraciousbrain Says:

    1. New manifesto has been adopted.
    2. Additionally, I appear to have assimilated the entirety of this choreography.
    3. Bow ties are cool (puppets represent!)

  3. Slim Says:

    No luck is necessary; you’ll land the interview with the ballistic inevitability of a flaming piano launched from a trebuchet.


  4. Tweets that mention Coilhouse » Blog Archive » “The triumph of intellect and romance…” -- Topsy.com Says:

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by coilhouse, m1k3y and andyvglnt, Leigh. Leigh said: Hello, Friday! Let's get off on the right side of the bed, eh? RT @coilhouse "The triumph of intellect and romance…" http://bit.ly/fPHfBx […]

  5. JoAsakura Says:

    Good luck, Meredith! =D

    (also, I totally did NOT expect the end of that opening. <3<3 :sitting here, giggling, eating breakfast: )

  6. Alice Says:

    What an utterly amazing thing to watch first thing in the morning. Thank you, Mer, and mysterious stranger Slim!

    I know you’ll interview the shit out of that…interview!

  7. Ella Says:

    Thank you so much for this! Words cannot describe my geeky glee. My day has only just started but it’s already dramatically improved! :D

  8. Meander Says:

    I also wrote on this this morning, having picked it up over at Pajiba:


    Wonderful piece – and we have some words on it over at Facebook!

  9. Andy Says:

    That had me grinning so widely all the way through it that I’d have been locked up if I did it in public^^ Great clip!

  10. Michelle Says:

    This is EXACTLY what I needed to see right now. :D

  11. Camilla Says:

    Oh, I squealed like a school girl when the Doctor ran on at the end.

  12. marion Says:

    But…where can I get that dress?

  13. wicked whimsy » Link Roundup Says:

    […] week or so ago, I’m so sad we have to wait for next season now!) you have GOT to watch this: the triumph of intellect & romance. Just do it, you’ll thank […]