Albín Brunovský

Before finding these illustrations I had never heard of the Slovak illustrator, Albín Brunovský. It was unsuprising to learn that he was quite well-known, and well-regarded, in his own country. This series of women with fantastical heads pieces, some of them growing out of their owners’s heads, features a perfectly surreal juxtaposition of the absurd and macabre.

Via but does it float

6 Responses to “Albín Brunovský”

  1. caryn drexl Says:

    These are stunning/amazing/etc. And i bought a small boat about a week ago for a shoot i plan on doing that is kinda similar to the second shot. =)

  2. Meredith Yayanos Says:


    Love these.

  3. stephanie Says:

    oooo!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!

  4. Cass Says:

    These are fantastic and may need to be Tumblr’d!

  5. sandro Says:

    love this man cause i am hairdreser and love mondo2000 cause i lived in amsterdam when it was publishing and it was internet before the real internet love peace and havin fun

  6. sandro Says:

    and i want to say to danica that i love her