Old Dogs
Eight years ago Nancy LeVine began traveling America, look photographing elderly dogs. A simple premise, cialis sale surely, and one, perhaps, ideally suited for the internet, where we love our pictures of both dogs and cats. She explains what drew her to the idea:
My interest in the world of the senior dog began as my own two dogs began to approach the end of their days. This was at a time when I had lived enough years to start imagining my own mortality. I entered a world of grace where bodies that had once expressed their vibrancy were now on a more fragile path.
I saw how the dog does it; how, without the human’s painful ability to project ahead and fear the inevitable, the dog simply wakes to each day as a new step in the journey. Though their steps might be more stiff and arduous, these dogs still moved through each day as themselves — themselves of that day and all the days before.
The result is an impressive set of portraits of the animals that, for many of us, are our constant companions.
Via lens culture
July 1st, 2011 at 8:03 pm
Thanks for a great post. It comes at just the right time for me, as I have been noticing my own treasured pet age far too rapidly in the last year or so. This is just what I needed to remind me that we ALL grow old in our different ways and it is nothing to fear.
July 1st, 2011 at 10:32 pm
“I entered a world of grace where bodies that had once expressed their vibrancy were now on a more fragile path”
Yes… after seeing my 17yr-old through a year of passage to the farthest shore, I will never be the same. Each day more evanescent, more tender, more tragic, more magical and precious: thank you for this <3