Sex times technology equals the future

An illustration from a 1974 Penthouse for the first paragraph of Crash by J.G. Ballard. If you’re somewhat depraved and not familiar with Crash, or have only seen the [excellent] Cronenberg film based on the book, I suggest you look into it.

Over the profiles of her body now poised the metallized excitements of our shared dreams of technology.

Of note:

3 Responses to “Sex times technology equals the future”

  1. Jerem Morrow Says:

    Sweet fucking crutch! Crash came my way about 11 years ago, und it’s still firmly tugging at my grey matter. Not to mention a few other bodily toys. It’s hold has long been strong. In fact, my daughter was conceived after a fairly heated reading, some eight und a half years ago.

  2. nadyalev Says:

    You know, out of all of Cronenberg’s films, Crash made the least impression on me, but I love the concept. I need to read the book. I recently saw Quentin Tarantino’s new film, Deathproof, and it reminded me of Crash in some ways. If Crash is about car-crash-sex, then Deathproof is about car-crash-sexual-assault.

  3. E. Black Says:

    I just grabbed this book the other night and the first line I flip to is

    “Over the profiles of her body now poised the metallized excitements of our shared dreams of technology.”

    It was that alone that convinced me to search out the book and now I may have to find the movie too.