Dolls of Libya

© Eric Lafforgue

I’ve been following Eric Lafforgue and his ingenious eye on flickr since I joined. This portrait is part of his latest trip’s effort. I can’t stop looking at her black-painted fingers, almost resembling negative space gloves, the kohl-lined eyes, mismatched powder and layered veils. The warm glow behind her, presumably candles and something light green just out of frame almost create a familiarity but her outbound gaze signals otherwise.More no less impressive images beyond the jump.

The stark expressions and unflinching eyes are reminiscent of hastily carved and painted dolls. I wish I’d taken these pictures.

One Response to “Dolls of Libya”

  1. Jerem Morrow Says:

    It always stops me dead in my tracks to see such….is ‘world weariness’ ze wrong term(?)…on such youthful faces.