Who is on the Other Side?
A while back, Zo posted about an indie film that’s being made in Finland. One Jani from Tampere abruptly appeared in the comments to say “hey, the production team comes from my city!” It made me wonder: who’s out there? Every day, I get at least one new registration to the site. Some of the emails are shady ([email protected]? uh, no), but most look real – some give me a good laugh. But, out of all who register to post comments, a relatively small percentage ever speaks their piece.
I’ll be embarrassed if no one replies, but here goes: who’s reading? I’m especially curious to hear from the lurkers, but from everyone who comments as well. I want to know all you guys better. Perhaps I know some things about you already, like your taste in men (pervs!) and what made you weird. So, really, I’m more curious about the basics:
- who you are
- where you’re from
- what you do in life
- maybe even what you look like?
Warren Ellis does this self-portrait thread, and I love that idea. I’m sure some of you are from over there (hey, Shay!).
So… introduce yourselves! Tell all! No nudes.
UPDATE: CH guest blogger David Forbes has come up with this nifty map to create a visual summation of the response to this post. Forbes writes, “this map is the product of insomnia, writer’s block and appreciation. It will be updated as more info comes in. It isn’t horrendously accurate past the “Oh, that big red dot is Manchester” level, but it serves to show the array of worldwide (some on every continent) readers that Coilhouse has. So Los Angelines, St. Franciscans, Oaklandroids, Yankees, Kiwis, Aussies, Southerners (North Carolina!), Portlandracks, Chicagoans, Canucks, Irishers, England-types and everyone else: the signal is “Abraxas.” When you hear this word transmitted via morse code, rise up and take over!
July 12th, 2008 at 10:01 pm
I love Coilhouse! It’s my favourite late-night procrast when I’m supposed to be writing… or whatever it is I think I’m doing when I stay up this late not-really-working shortly before deadlines ;-)
I discovered your site via a combo of LJ and ModelMayhem and, since then, there have been some interesting six-degrees of separation-isms (re featured people/stylists, participating photographers, etc). But, more importantly than that, I love the thoughtful eye candy you provide through :swoon:ish pics and vids… thank you so much!!
* who you are
* where you’re from
A bunch of places, but now happily settled in WPG MB CA
* what you do in life
Curator, writer + attempted activist (with a perkygoff streak a mile-wide ;-)
* maybe even what you look like?

Ha ha!
July 13th, 2008 at 12:13 pm
you rolled out the red carpet and i walk over it in muddy shoes. hochimochi is an invented name that gave me plenty of freedom until it/he became obligated to the world like everyone else. demonic delight in sabotage has sustained me enough to not jump in the river. grew up in the very loud and psychedelically-jizzed new orleans and got teargassed by the 21st century. i’ve been a lesbian, a fascist, a monk, and a jailed puerto-rican in new york. ever since i could light a fire, i’ve been baking bread for the young marquez and faulkner allowing them liscense to be horrible until 40. after that you better be a genius.
a photo of the human: http://www.picturevillage.com/photos/main.php/v/oribear__/europe/404249-R1-009-3_003.jpg.html
July 13th, 2008 at 1:27 pm
Hi, I live in Paris, France
I’m a fashion designer, artist (paintings, drawings,…), myspace.com/pseekolec
I discover the website through SG, my member name is Pseekaal
I like Coilhouse
July 13th, 2008 at 7:58 pm
Hai, I’m Michael.
I live in Detroit with my fiance and design stuff and write about stuff other people design. [Specifically I’m an experience designer, but it would probably take too much bandwidth to properly explain what that means. I also design records, for people like Solvent and Chemlab.]
I can’t tell you how much I love Coilhouse! As a writer, I don’t know if I can relax a little bit or should be working ten times harder because of what a great job you’re doing with this project.
Burnlab has much more than you’d ever want to know.
Dethlab [pictured below] is Ms. Toybreaker and I spreading the evil.
July 14th, 2008 at 10:58 am
I’m kristen. from the (canadian) middle of nowhere. working on a degree in immunology. and while i would wither and die without science, i would suffer also without a means of creative expression.
and so this is me:
July 14th, 2008 at 11:33 am
Hi, I’m Eliza, a long-time lurker on Coilhouse, and got here via Zoe’s website and Livejournal. I’m Polish by birth, Australian by upbringing and currently call NYC home. I came here in 2007 to specialise in arts and entertainment law and fulfil a long-held dream of living in New York. Art, graphic design, fashion, literature and music are a few things that tickle my fancy, especially if they have a dark bent. Coilhouse indulges my curiosity and inspires me to pursue a life less ordinary.
July 14th, 2008 at 9:15 pm
I’m Ben Johnson, like it says on the tin.
I live in San Francisco right now, but came originally from Minneapolis.
I design games. Basically, my job is to make sure things are fun. Currenly, I’m finishing a survival horror game called Dead Space.
I’ve been reading coilhouse since the very first post. I believe there’s a comment from me in one of the early ones saying something about writing an article for you guys at some point. I found you via Warren’s blog, and have kept up partly because I enjoy your alt-culture coverage, and partly because Zoe’s hair resembles my own… when I remember to make my appointments, anyway.
July 15th, 2008 at 2:47 am
Hey, I’m Lindee. I live in Germany at the moment; will soon be headed to Olympia, WA for college. I pursue the study of place, and I do some tutoring to pay for it.
Coilhouse is glorious. I read it almost daily but never comment- I did submit a paper-toys website once, having not realized that they were scattered over the whole of the internets, and since, have felt a little awkward. I generally feel a little awkward. Coilhouse helps me embrace my weirdness, like showing ‘Idhi Oka Idi Le’ for my European History class and laughing maniacally while they gape at the screen. So, you know, thank you for existing.
July 16th, 2008 at 8:05 am
40 something freak, purple and red mohawk, undergad degree in alternative film/video; most of a masters in theatre design
NOC manager for a major isp by day, slightly over the hill (but don’t look/act it) punk/g/i club kid on weekends – i live in la so for me that means usually friday at das bunker and sunday at malediction (li ove amanda jones’ sets)
i design and make clothes for my friends and myself in what little spare time i have; i love art (although i cannot draw/paint/etc to save my life) and intelligent conversation about alternative art and life which is what draws me to this site (well, that and warren ellis recommended it, then i ran into zoetica one night at a club…)
July 16th, 2008 at 10:42 am
I’m Erica, Olympia,WA transplant from the small, mean, cold town of Tenino, just south of Oly. I like all odd things, no matter what ,and coilhouse has those things in spades.
I like to cook and read and smoke and drink. The last three the most, and simultaneously.
I’m a closet writer and painter.
I love reading about antiquated medical procedures and psychological treatments, as well as serial killers of yore and rock history.
I find it impossible to keep my mouth shut, or withhold TMI.
Someday I want to be scary.
July 16th, 2008 at 1:52 pm
wow, i’ve been unplugged and totally out of the loop it would seem!
first and foremost, i <3 coilhouse and all that you do.
i am a composer and circus impresario in Boston for Emperor Norton’s Stationary Marching Band. we recently finished a run of our very first large scale theatrical show, Mischief in the Machine http://www.mischiefinthemachine.com
if any of you artists, performers and musicians are ever in Boston, look us up! as we love to collaborate and facilitate talented folks performing here.
July 17th, 2008 at 2:01 am
Hi hello
I’m hermit of sorts. Im 19 and without a clue.
i like drawing and have a growing obsession to make closths.
but as of now i find my self baking bread, and pondering in a procrastinating fasion.
from perris CA. = polished turd but with less polish.
ive been lurking coilhouse on and off for two years now and still I find things i have not read.
right now im living off the good graces of my parents,hoping to find a nich, what ever that might be
and as for the photograph, id rather not have any proof of existance. an nude is out of the question. hehe
5’9″, 150 lb., hispanic, average, a white sheep.
July 17th, 2008 at 5:42 pm
Martin j DeKay. Accidental reader/ lurker and loving it. Part time artist/ writer/ model/ comic jockey.
This is me-
Co creator of this-
I make art-
I work here-
And other places as well.
I’m currently looking to “make a living” in comics. Already got the making comics part, the being able to eat from money made off of making comics is the lifetime goal.
Oh and here’s me nekkid-
You asked, and I like to make with the funny.
July 20th, 2008 at 1:47 pm
Hi! My name is Sarah, 22, from Louisville KY and I’ve lurked here for quite a while now. The link above is actually my boyfriend Donovan’s blog because I don’t have a life on the internet really.
I work at a grocery store and I like to make costumes and wear them places along with my boy toy. Most recently purchasing a house I have spent most of my time working on getting it livable.
I enjoy this site because of the diverse amount of material. I could spend hours looking at it all. I’m also jealous of Zoetia’s hair, if I had a job that allowed me to dye mine unnatural colors I would use the same color. Thanks for a wonderful website coilhouse.
July 21st, 2008 at 1:56 pm
O, my…..here goes it:
My name is Katherine, I live in Portland, Or. in the bottom half of wee little
thorny rose bush protected house built in 1913. By day, I am cleverly disguised
as a “corporate art director” …and by night(or by day when no one is looking),
I’m a maker and appreciator of all things dark, delicate , beautiful and passionate
in sound, sight and texture…a wonder twin sans twin…! More in zee journal.
I appreciate your endeavor here ever-so, you see the world so similarly to me……you keep me on my toes as I endlessly search for the “pretty!”
Me and my trusty photo-takin sidekick Bibelot!
July 23rd, 2008 at 1:19 pm
See, told you I read it :P
I’m Shane. I live in San Francisco and I make stuff. Mostly jewelry stuff.
August 1st, 2008 at 3:22 am
thanks for the map, david.
wow. one whole coilhouse reader in africa! that must be me :-) but seriously, there must be more…at least in south africa maybe…
August 6th, 2008 at 1:53 am
Im late but I dont care… I stumbled upon Coilhouse and was shocked to see so many things im interested in on the site. You know, I didnt know what steampunk was untill I read this and pieced it together. Its been a styled have loved and copied without knowing it, and then i started reading things on Zoetica and reading her site because i think she is beautiful
Anyways, im a human who wishes she was made of metal, or a russian ballerina. I love sci-fi, movies and own more books then i can count. Im a student in chicago and struggle between what I want and what I should do… i also have 2 different colored eyes which makes me magical or something
I would post a pic but dont know how… stupid mac
August 20th, 2008 at 12:23 am
Wow I’m really lagging posting my details. For shame.
My name’s Lizzie, I live in Brisbane, Australia and I make my clams during the day by working for The Man and I’m also a freelance Makeup Artist who one dreams of one day making it big (and getting to paint the lovely Zoetica’s face) (Oh and Zoetica I added you to my Model Mayhem :D ).
I found this glorious place through Gala Darling’s own little glorious place and I’m ever so glad I did.
I look like umm…a mix between Tank Girl and Madonna circa Who’s That Girl only much shorter than either of those two (and probably less awesome).
October 4th, 2008 at 11:49 pm
I have to thank the good gods for this site and the creative minds behind it. You people make me so happy!
I’m late for the party it seems but yeah, intro. I’m riz and I live in Manila, capital of a South East Asian country (hint hint~). I have too much energy in me and constantly ache for something new and refreshing to help me get by this bleak life. I’m 18, a college student; a big fan of classic prints and pictures (especially medical prints), H.P Lovacraft, Vladimir Nabokov. I highly enjoy reading (mostly on fantasy/sci-fi), art, philosophy and studying about varied forms of mythos. and I’m now having a growing fascination with the cyber punk genre, which you give a healthy supply~ I discovered this site through Trevor Brown’s site (I’m also a fan of his work) and yes, you just give the sustenance I need for the things I love.
October 13th, 2008 at 11:52 pm
Hi! I’m Nicolas, from Switzerland, a tiny country in the middle of the Old Continent. I’m a 36 years old science teacher (and art lover).
March 1st, 2009 at 11:30 pm
Hi, I’m a lurker who discovered Coilhouse yesterday via BoingBoing and have been making my way obsessively backwards ever since. My name’s Zoe, I’m 17, and I live in Hawaii (we’re woefully underrepresented on that map). I don’t have a blog, but I love this one! Thanks for introducing me to some amazing artists.
March 6th, 2009 at 10:44 pm
Who you are
Where you’re from
What you do in life
Promote artists, put together events and parties, work out merch and marketing for people, places, films and things. I am all over the place but I think the things I work with end up being better for having me.
Maybe even what you look like?
Best random photo of me ever that is not staged at all that is what makes it the best:
June 4th, 2012 at 9:51 am
Only a smiling visitor here to share the love (:, btw outstanding layout. “He profits most who serves best.” by Arthur F. Sheldon.
December 6th, 2012 at 8:48 pm
Hi Coilhouse People,
My name is Rebecca and I come from Portland, OR. After reading your recent post “dimming the lights and locking up at Coilhouse”, My heart goes out to all of you. I am a long time reader of the magazine, and I’ve been following the blog for the past two years. The collection of culture and talent that you have pulled together in both instances is remarkable and truly unique. I am sorry to see it going away, but i do sympathize with the everyday struggles of running a business and the making of Art, and managing life.
I am an Art student and also a maker of plush monsters. Just before beginning college, I happened across the magazine in a Borders books (remember those?) and I fell in love. The magazine has been a continuous source of inspiration over the years. I wish all of you the very best on continuing projects and adventures! Thank you for creating the awesomeness that is Coilhouse!
December 9th, 2012 at 12:45 am
July 21st, 2013 at 4:00 am
Hi! I’ve been following your web site for a long time now and finally got the bravery to go ahead and give you a shout out from Atascocita Texas! Just wanted to mention keep up the excellent work!