50’s Jell-O Salad is Actually a Shoggoth

“It was a terrible, indescribable thing… a shapeless congeries of protoplasmic bubbles, faintly self-luminous, and with myriads of temporary eyes forming and un-forming as pustules of greenish light.” – H. P. Lovecraft

Many thanks to Paul Komoda, ever the friend of Coilhouse, for pointing out the eerie similarities between this 1952 advertisement for vegetable-flavored salad Jell-O, spotted in a  SocImages post discussing “how tastes are shaped by history” (see also:  “The Social Construction of Prunes“),  and this 1936 cover of Astounding Stories for Lovecraft’s  “At the Mountains of Madness.”

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10 Responses to “50’s Jell-O Salad is Actually a Shoggoth”

  1. nicolas Says:

    Jell-O salad? How insane!

  2. Paul Komoda Says:

    Happy to be of service.

    This has, most definitely opened my eyes about the potentials of Jell-O flavoring.

    The SocImages post about Aspic was also interesting, because they look like weird foods you’d find in a dream.

    I’ve always loved Dali’s quote, “Repulsion is the sentry that guards the gate of all we most desire.”
    Not that I’m about to develop a craving for any of those gross looking preparations, but, as a culture, we put so many otherwise revolting combinations of food and drink into our mouths, without giving it a second thought, everyday.

  3. Jessica Says:

    I always knew that stuff was pure EVIL.

  4. Irene Kaoru Says:


  5. Zoetica Says:

    Irene, I’m with you. That stuff id deee-lishus!

  6. Nadya Says:

    I made no disparaging remarks regarding the Jell-O salad! Though I don’t find it delicious so much as…. HYPNOTIC.

  7. D Says:

    I suppose the left image could use a catchphrase too

    ‘Don’t let a week go without eating one!’

  8. lizzelizzel Says:


  9. didimono Says:


  10. Paris Michael Says:

    Funny about Lovecraft and his, well, sometimes over-written style – AND the sililarity between jello and some of his creatures… I had a chance to work with the voice over artist for the recently released audio book version of At The Mountains Of Madness – some of those lines are more than a mouthful! It’s available at stellajamesstudios.com and the same publishers are not making the movie adaptation. Del Toro and Cameron lost the project. At The Mountains Of Madness is being made by film making partners Carrie Cain Sparks and Shadow Mihai. See the press releases at http://stellajamesstudios.com/pr-views