The Germans Weren’t Very Afraid of Mechanical Bears

Caption: “The Germans weren’t very afraid of the mechanical bears.”

There’s a great column at Russia! magazine titled Live From LJ. Every week, intrepid blogger Marina Galperina wades through the radioactive cesspool of the Russian blogosphere (which “conveniently, if bafflingly, revolves around LJ.”) This week, Marina discovers this incredible gem:

Ru-Lj community fail_art apologizes for their legacy of humorous-to-obscene scribbles left in textbooks by former students (or possibly, modern day forgeries), adding some “context” to the dull old pastorial and wartime pictures with ridiculous nudity, blood, peasants with nun-chucks and various insults to the Russian army. Response: “My eyes and stomach hurt.” Ditto. [Link, NSWF]

A selection of hand-picked personal favorites, after the jump!

5 Responses to “The Germans Weren’t Very Afraid of Mechanical Bears”

  1. Dj Dead Billy Says:

    you have made my office a chorus line of chortles and wheezing.

  2. Marina Galperina Says:


  3. causeeffect Says:

    wow this is awesome!

  4. cappy Says:

    Well, I wouldn’t say it’s that baffling, considering Russia does own LJ now. :P

    But anyway — these are farking hilarious.

  5. JoAsakura Says:

    the one of the kid swatting the ducks is BRILLIANT. :dahahahah: