Shock Waves At Eyjafjallajökull

The Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajökull has received a fair bit of attention of late. Not unexpected, buy cialis considering that its insidious ash cloud momentarily brought air travel in the vicinity of Europe to a standstill. No doubt, advice this is some sort of evil, ailment Nordic plot, the ins and outs of which are of no concern here. What we wish to call attention to here is the footage above, a bit of geological geekery. As the volcano continues to erupt one can see the shock waves from each explosion of magma ripple through the plumes of smoke and debris. Such is nature that it can be so beautiful and fascinating in its destruction.

5 Responses to “Shock Waves At Eyjafjallajökull”

  1. Zoetica Says:


  2. Geozilla Says:

    thanks for the awesome geoporn! I’m so glad there was finally a coilhouse post I could legitimize as “work-related”…

  3. Lo Zephyr Says:

    That sent shivers down my spine! Volcanos are SO DAMN RAD!

  4. Tsssk Says:

    It’s Eyjafjallajökull. You missed one l.

  5. the linkblog » Blog Archive » Pay attention to the smoke Says:

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