Numa Numa Dance en Pointe

Best school revue ballerina EVAR:

En pointe moonwalking’s simply not something you see every day.
What’s not to love? Girl’s got wicked mad chops,  and she doesn’t take herself too seriously.

8 Responses to “Numa Numa Dance en Pointe”

  1. marylittlegoth Says:

    This is AMAZING! :)

  2. Tertiary Says:

    I think I’m in love.
    But I’m not nearly cool enough for her.

  3. Alice Says:

    This girl looks like she’s having just the best time. Which makes this that much more awesome.

  4. wicked whimsy » Link Roundup Says:

    […] Last but not least…a video of a ballerina dancing to the numa numa song, courtesy of Coilhouse. […]

  5. Patricia Says:

    You can’t help but smile watching this :)

  6. Zo Says:

    So, so wonderful!

  7. Natasha Says:

    I needed that =)

  8. Charlotte Says:

    that made me almost laugh-cry.