“I’m not afraid of Cthulhu, because I know his dad’s phone number”

Via Lee Mason, thanks!

Rob & Ben Kimmel’s collaborative father-and-son “lunch comics” (recently blogged on io9), which they’ve been making together since Ben started kindergarten over three years ago, are basically the best thing since sliced Lunchables™ processed pressure-molded bologna product. Better, actually! By leaps and bounds! If you’ve got some time to kill today, head over to their website, Wandermonster, and get your warm (geeky) fuzzies on.

Rob and his 8-year-old son Ben share a tender moment.

One Response to ““I’m not afraid of Cthulhu, because I know his dad’s phone number””

  1. rickie Says:

    i used to do these type of things with a kid with autism that i worked with. they were pretty interesting, for sure.