“Big Bird” casting his vote yesterday in Austin, Texas. (via)
Defiant Son of the Lord of the Solid Gold Cock Rings has trouble accepting this reality graciously, as do other assorted racist old fartknockers and Twitterdouchecanoes, and all of the irrationally fearful and phobic folk they represent. Meanwhile, much of the rest of the country is happily celebrating huge victories for our female, LGBTQ, and midnight toking citizens.
Heads up, though; I just received an alarming message from Sxip Shirey, conveying word from his friend Greg Squared who’s volunteering in some of the most devastated burroughs of New York. Sxip says, “Our city is NOT back to normal. People need help. Please help. READ.” Here is Greg’s from-the-trenches assessment of what’s going on right now:
“Okay. Now that the election is over, can we get back to what’s actually important: the state of the areas hardest hit by Hurricane Sandy? The Rockaways, the Jersey Shore, Coney Island, Red Hook, Staten Island all need your help. They’re having trouble getting food, FEMA and the Red Cross seem to be completely absent, and there’s a big storm bearing down, scheduled to hit Wed., and bring snow on Thurs. I urge everyone that’s celebrating Obama’s victory tonight not only to call on their Congress people to get some shit done vis-a-vis the pitiful federal response, but to take an active part by donating urgently needed material and financial support. One place you can do that is at the link below. Furthermore, a couple of Occupy Sandy kitchens that have been supplying something like 20,000 hot meals for people without electricity are very close to being completely out of food. If you live in the New York area and want to donate food, please bring it to one of the distribution centers listed at interoccupy.net/occupysandy/.”
Stay warm, stay kind, stay mindful, comrades. We’ve still got a long, dubious winter ahead of us.
UPDATE, NOV 7: “On Friday, we’ll be airing a very special episode of Sesame Street.“
“A hurricane has swept through Sesame Street and everyone is working together to clean up the neighborhood. When Big Bird checks on his home, he is heartbroken to find that the storm has destroyed his nest. Big Bird’s friends and neighbors gather to show their support and let him know they can fix his home, but it will take time. While everyone on Sesame Street spends the next few days cleaning up and making repairs, Big Bird still has moments where he is sad, angry, and confused…”
“Please check your local listings to see what time the episode will air on PBS.”