Appearance at SDCC Today (Saturday), 11am!

Just a quick last-minute reminder for our fellow Comic-KHAAANNNgoers: Nadya, Zoetica and Meredith will be selling and signing copies of Coilhouse 05 from 11am to noon today (Saturday, July 24th) at the Weta booth (#2165 2615). We’ll also bring along copies of 1-4 for folks to peruse, but not to buy, sorry! (Sincerely, we don’t mean to be teases– we figure folks will appreciate at least having a look at these rare, out-of-print editions.) However, everybody should stay tuned to this same bat-channel for news of an upcoming charity auction wherein a full set of Coilhouse Magazines (issues 1-5) will be sold off to the highest Ebay bidder. More on that later this week.

Meanwhile, check out Zo and Mer geeking out with LA WEEKLY columnist Liz Ohanesian about SDCC! Nadya was supposed to participate as well, but was found lying in a crumpled heap next to her laptop shortly before the deadline, unconscious, with an erratic pulse and her responses unfinished. We figure she was either asphyxiated by one of those uber-deadly roving Funyuns nerdfart doom clouds, or sustained internal injuries after being jabbed by a facehugger-on-a-stick. She’s still pretty out of it, but don’t worry– we’re sure she’ll be fine by tomorrow morning. Hope to see some of you there!

SDCC Signing: Saturday, 11-12. Also: Where to Find 05.

A copy of Issue 05 spotted in the wild by Random_Tangent

An important announcement for San Diego Comic-Con attendees: we will be selling and signing copies of Issue 05 on Saturday, 11 – 12, at the Weta Workshop booth. Issues 01 – 04 will also be on display. See you there!

An important announcement for the readership at large: though Issue 05 sold out in our online shop last week, it is still available in stores nationwide. For the complete list of Borders and Barnes locations where Issue 05 is available, click here.

But if you can support local indie bookstores, that would be best. Here is a list of the ones that we’re aware of. Let us know if you know of other locations in the comments:

Melbourne, Australia

Mission Comics
San Francisco, CA

Borderlands Books
San Francisco, CA

Quimby’s Bookstore
Chicago, IL

Chicago Comics
Chicago, IL

Trident Booksellers & Cafe
Boston, MA

Pegasus Books Downtown
Oakland, CA

Capitola Books Cafe
Capitola, CA

Pages for All Ages Bookstore
Savoy, IL

Baker Books
Dartmouth, MA

Atomic Books
Baltimore, MD

Regulator Bookshop
Durham, NC

The Gem Spa
New York, NY

Magazine Cafe
New York, NY

St. Mark’s Bookshop
New York, NY

Monkey’s Retreat
Columbus, OH

Meltdown Party Canceled, but SD Comic-Con is a GO!

SoCal residents, we have some unfortunate news: due to some insurmountable logistical snags, we’ve had to cancel the party we scheduled at Meltdown Comics for this coming Saturday, July 17th. Boooo! Sad. We apologize for any complications this may cause to your weekend plans. Hopefully we can make it up to you by organizing something even more extravagant at a later date.

On a more cheerful note, we’re thrilled to announce that we’ll be reuniting once again at the San Diego Comic-Con International. This year, we’re gathering at the Weta Workshop booth to sign your copies of Issue 05 amidst alien monsters, aether oscillators, cybermen and creatures of Middle Earth. It’s quite a fitting location for Issue 05, which features beautiful original work from Weta artists Greg Broadmore, Paul Tobin and Scott Spencer, plus a gorgeous full-page ad for Dr. Grordbort’s, and even a bit of gushing from featured author Neil Gaiman about his tour of the workshop.

In addition to bringing Issue 05 for purchase, we’ll also have archival copies of 01, 02, 03 and 04 on display (meaning, everybody’s welcome to paw through them, but should one to attempt to filch anything, they’ll find themselves staring down the barrel of an Unnatural Selector). The exact time and booth number has yet to be determined, but our signing will take place at some point on either Friday or Saturday in the main convention hall. Check back here or join our mailing list for that update.

Coilhouse “8-bitraits” by R. Stevens.

We’d like to thank Richard Taylor et al at Weta for their unflagging support of Coilhouse. They’ve been incredible friends to us over the years. Also, HYOOGE hugs to mister R. Stevens for creating these wonderful co-editor portraits for #05. We lubs ’em ever so. Click through to see higher res versions.

Issue 05: The Motion Picture. Also: Shipping, PARTAAY.

We proudly present a short video created by and co-starring Coilhouse creative director/graphic designer Courtney Riot and a minty-fresh copy of Coilhouse #05. Courtney writes, “The other day I purchased a new camera. This video is the first result. I have no experience in motion/film, but after seeing a featured clip from Tell No One, I decided to give it a go.” Rock on, Riot.

On to our next item of interest– since Issue 05 went on sale last week, we’ve sold 866 copies and counting. As of this moment, a mere 134 copies remain in the online shop. First of all: HOLY SHIT. Guys. Thank you. We are humbled and grateful. We hope that you enjoy this issue, and we can’t wait to hear your feedback. Secondly: HOLY SHIT. We did not anticipate this. We knew it would go fast, but not this fast. To put it in perspective, we had the same quantity of Issue 03’s in the online store as we do Issue 05’s, and that one took an entire year to sell out, while this one is almost 90% sold out in a little over a week.

Our circulation director, Gretta Sherwood, is working around the clock to ship the copies to everyone. But even with three assistants and two printers for shipping labels, it’s going to take her a while to get through these orders. We’d like to ask for your understanding if your copy takes a little longer than usual to arrive. Here’s how to estimate when your magazine’s getting shipped: as noted on the day Issue 05 went on sale, due to the special additions (signatures, limited-edition postcards) included with each issue, we’d only be able to begin shipping on Wednesday the 7th (yesterday). The bulk of the orders came through in the first few days, so orders from the 30th are still going out, with the last ones being shipped out tomorrow. On the 12th, we’ll ship out the majority of the orders from the 1st, on the 13th we’ll ship out the orders from the 2nd, and from that point on, we’ll probably be able to ship the orders from several days all at once. If it is a True Emergency and you need your issue sooner rather than later, please email Gretta, and we’ll see what we can do.

Finally, it’s PARTY TIME! Southern California readers, please save this date: Saturday, July 17th. That’s when we (as in, all three of us in the same place and at the same time, which happens about once in a blue moon) will be hosting an evening at Meltdown Comics with Issue 05 contributors in attendance. It’s our first official event since the launch party back in 2008! A limited supply of magazines will be available. We’re thrilled to have artist Chet Zar signing, and Chronic Anxiety –his original painting featured as the fold-out poster in #05– will be on display. We’ll also be announcing some surprise guests in the week to come. Stay tuned.

PS: Anyone planning to be at the San Diego Comic Con? Roll call. (We should have our signing schedule sussed out by next week.)

Festivity from the Motherland

Америка! Get those fireworks, make sure you don’t blow any fingers off, slap a Teabagger. Enjoy! Meanwhile, for us, it was a weekend of milestones: we signed all 1,000 copies of Issue 05, Mer met Courtney for the first time in meatspace after years of remote collaboration, the three editors reunited for the first time in almost a year, and we charted a path for Issue 06 and beyond. For the rest of the weekend, we’re in a post-productivity stupor, but we’d like to leave you with the above: from the same land that brought you Lady Yu and Asgarda, the ballad “America” by Ukranian punk band Brothers Gadyukin. Translations are welcome in the comments.

Coilhouse 05: Let All The Children Boogie

Issue 05 is ALIVE. Woop woop woop! Break out the disco ball and put on your dancing shoes, because after printing the solemn, ghostly memento mori that was #04, we’ve gone somewhere completely different with this one. We proudly present you with an issue that’s colorful, frenetic, vibrant, and celebratory.

Issue 05 reflects a Coilhouse family quest for renewal and rejoicing, and there’s SO FRIGGIN’ MUCH to celebrate this time around: extensive features on fascinating artists, authors, fashion designers, photographers and musicians, a personal memoir about kinship and D&D, a dialog examining the cultural history and continuing relevance of American burlesque, an exposition of 19th century populist fiction from China, a particularly heart-jolting paper doll, and have we mentioned that holographic gold foil lately? Gah…

More bells and whistles: the huge feature on artist Chet Zar includes a foldout poster of original work by Zar on one side, and gorgeous Neil Gaiman-themed promotional art from Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab on the other. As previously mentioned, once this issue reaches stores, it’s going to be selling for $12.99 on the rack. (We’ll post a list of locations in the weeks to come.) But for now, we’re keeping the $15 price tag on all copies sold online.

Folks who order #05 through our web store get a lot of additional bang for their buck – every single mail-ordered copy of Coilhouse 05 comes with two exquisitely produced, limited edition postcard playbills featuring the “Before and After portraits” of our fashion darling Dylan Monroe as Dorian Gray. Additionally, each and every mail-order copy of this issue will be signed, with gratitude, by all three Coilhouse co-editors. Unlike past issues, which shipped immediately, Issue 05 will start shipping next Wednesday, July 7th. (The extra week is to give us time to sign several hundred magazines and insert all of those postcards. Phew!)

DRUMROLL PLEASE. Issue 05 is NOW AVAILABLE in the COILHOUSE SHOP. Its contents, below:

Garnet Siren

Zoetica imagined a blithe, enchanted world of dancing sheiks and courtesans when working on this issue’s Inform/Inspire/Infect section headers. Powdered wigs and perfect maquillage complement tassels and cymbals, as these bejeweled vixens shimmy you into each section. The headers also feature the Far East-inspired patterns that creative director Courtney Riot used on the masthead and the table of contents.

Sherlock Holmes VS The Fox Woman
A Brief Tour of Chinese Pulp
In Coilhouse 03, Jess Nevins explored the world of Russian pulp literature from the 1920s and 30s. In this issue, he throws us on galloping thunder wagon and takes us on a journey through China’s rich pulp history– one that is largely unknown in the West. Dreamy illustration work by Greg Broadmore and Paul Tobin accompanies the feature. Have your electric whip at the ready, because you never know when you might have to defend your new lunar settlement from a wandering army of vengeful swordswomen, or robotic killer rats. Aerial balloons! Angry ghosts! Tampon warfare! And so much more.

Zooming Along / Standing Perfectly Still
The Passion of Amanda Palmer & Neil Gaiman
The punk cabaret force of nature known as Amanda “Fucking” Palmer and her eminent fiancé, author Neil Gaiman, publicly announced their engagement on January 15th. A day later, the lovebirds met up with Coilhouse staff photographer Allan Amato in New York City to pose for a series of playful, yet timeless photographs. Fast forward several months: after an intense season-long stint of touring and traveling separately, the power couple reunited for a brief interlude in Wellington, New Zealand. Jean Sergent joined them over morning coffee at the Copthorne Hotel to discuss, among other things, the whirlwind nature of their creative and personal life together, Xena swordsmiths, Polish sushi, archival versus ephemeral art, and horny koalas.

Jo Boobs Teaches The Va-Va Voom!
“Jo Boobs” Weldon is Headmistress of The New York School of Burlesque, whose home at The Slipper Room is just a few blocks from where Lydia Thompson’s “London Blondes” brought burlesque to America and a stone’s throw from where Minsky’s original National Winter Garden made burlesque part of the American vernacular. Weldon and Coilhouse’s cultural “spy in NY”, Jeff Wengrofsky, met at the basement headquarters of her school on the coldest evening in recent years to explore questions of gender, activism, and whether she and her ilk are gender traitors or gender busters. This razor-sharp dialog is enhanced by several original Molly Crabapple illustrations of neo-burlesque stars mentioned in the piece.

Tiffa Novoa
Walking Between Worlds
Right now, a distinct style of dress and adornment steeped for many years in Bay Area Burning Man culture is spilling over into the mainstream. There’s still no definitive term for the look, and hallelujah for that. But there is a name we should all think of whenever we see it: Tiffa Novoa. It’s been nearly three years since the 32-year-old fashion designer died of a fatal drug reaction while working in Bali, Indonesia, and left her vast community gasping with grief. But one need only look at the success of stores like Five & Diamond, or fashion houses like Skin.Graft, to recognize the incalculable impact of Novoa’s work on an entire burgeoning cultural aesthetic. Tiffa, the “Dream Pusher” – as her Ernte co-founder Evan Sugerman fondly calls her – is still walking between worlds. This retrospective piece, a collaborative effort headed by Nadya and contributed to by dozens of Novoa’s friends and peers, is devoted to this late, great woman’s memory, her legacy, her loved ones, and all who dance to a different drum.

Emerald Emir

96 Tears
Chris Conn Askew
Jessica Joslin interviews the mysterious, meticulous Mister Chris Conn Askew– an artist who creates modern day fables for romantics and aesthetes, as densely layered in symbolism as dreams, and as inscrutable as love.

Surgical Precision:
Ali Mahdavi
The scrupulous portraiture of Ali Mahdavi reflects an appreciation for unique physical beauty that is purely self-made. Born and raised in Tehran before relocating to Paris, the Issue 05 cover photographer, filmmaker and costume designer has crafted striking portraits that explore the sublime intersection between glamour and dysmorphia. The three works selected for this mini-feature, portraying model Hannelore Knuts, corsetier Mr. Pearl and Mahdavi himself (from his series “As You Desire Me”), serve as a tantalizing first glimpse into Mahdavi’s carefully-arranged world.

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Geek
Wil Wheaton
Author/actor Wil Wheaton has been generous enough to grant Coilhouse permission to republish one of his most endearing, amusing, and deeply human memoirs. Excerpts first appeared on the Suicide Girls newswire, and the full piece was published in Wheaton’s book, The Happiest Days of Our Lives. “A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Geek” chronicles Wheaton’s lifelong love affair with Dungeons & Dragons, and revels in the joy of self-acceptance and kinship. Coilhouse is honored to present his words in a new and more visually rambunctious way–Zoetica spent hours in his game room taking dozens of photographs of three decades worth of personal gamer gear and memorabilia, as well as a charming portrait of the artist himself. The resulting layout is chock full of delightful details.

Into the Trees with Zoë Keating
Avant cellist Zoë Keating self-produces lush, melodic solo recordings that incorporate live electronic sampling, computer looping programs, complex layering and phrase repetition. Her latest solo offering, largely produced and recorded in a cozy log cabin out in the middle of the woods, is aptly titled Into the Trees. Last spring, Keating granted Coilhouse Magazine a downright giddy interview! She and Mer discussed all manner of things both whimsical and practical– from the spirit of old growth forests and her biological imperative to counteract those proselytizing Quiverfull weirdos to the advantages of musicians self-producing and releasing their own albums, from the joy of nerd solidarity, to stage fright, to Tulip Mania. Featuring photography by Nadya, as well as Peter Hinson, typography and illustration by Teagan White, and an exquisite custom-crafted wardrobe courtesy of Gibbous Fashions.

Chet Zar’s Vulnerable Monsters
At a glance, Chet Zar’s stunning paintings present portraits of monsters set against imposing post-apocalyptic landscapes. Look closer and you’ll smile, sensing a certain camaraderie with the expressive mouths and snouts, seemingly protruding from their realm of barren hills, billowing smoke stacks and deserted highrises. Pause for a while and you might feel hot wind on your face and catch a whiff of burning oil. Passion for darkness, decay, flesh, and all its nuance mingles with passion for the painting medium itself, creating unforgettable works of art. Chet’s distinct vision got him noticed around the LA gallery circuit, and his presence in the Pop Surrealism genre was cemented by keen technical ability – refined by twenty years spent weaving special effects makeup magic. Here, the celebrated and disarmingly laid-back artist talks to Zoetica about growing up in a horror-friendly household, the effects of meditation and visualization, death, the future, and about the perks and perils of an artist’s life.

In addition to this in-depth, personal interview, we proudly present an unprecedented feature: step-by-step documentation of Chet’s painting process, created by him especially for Coilhouse while he was working on art for the foldout poster.

Clive Barker
Celebration, Remembrance, Prophecy
Single-handedly changing the ideascape of mainstream horror and dark fantasy genres with books such as Imajica, The Hellbound Heart, and The Books of Blood, Clive Barker already achieved tremendous success in the late eighties and early nineties – but for him, it was merely the start of a journey. Today, in addition to being an author for more than twenty-five years, Barker is also a vastly productive, passionate painter, photographer, and filmmaker. In this extensive interview, Clive talks to Ales Kot and Zoetica about being a man dissatisfied with any single creative facet, and his determination to transcend expectations and boundaries. He touches on works in progress, the benefits of collaboration, and his insatiable creative drive, leaving us awed with the scope of his imagination. The interview is accompanied by previously unseen examples of Clive Barker’s paintings and photography, as well as an introduction by Ales Kot.

Turquoise Tart

Shoe Love, Lust, and Myth
Why do we love shoes? Surely the true answer is buried deep with Marchesa Casati and Louis XIV, but it’s easy to hypothesize. The clicking of approaching heels has been long fetishized and has come to symbolize control and elegance. The right pair of shoes will make legs look magnificent and, if operated properly, provide instant grace, not to mention instant height. But lovers of adornment, take note! Suffering for beauty is not always worth it, certainly not when it comes to footwear. Zo takes on the crucial difference between shoe love and lust, with a photo shoot in a crumbling downtown LA fortress by Andrew Yoon and appearances by Gala Darling, Nubby Twiglet, plus a surprise guest…

The Picture of Dorian Gray
A Sempiternal Sartorial Editorial
It’s Coilhouse’s most ambitious fashion editorial yet. Art-directed by Mer, headed by photographer Allan Amato, and actualized by a devoted crew of 15 stylists, artists and production assistants, this lush Wilde-inspired spread features our favorite male model Dylan Monroe as Dorian Gray, dressed in the jaw-dropping custom tailored suits by Sinner/Saint Menswear, and jewelry from Victorian Death Kult.

The Last Days of Gadjo Disko
Gadjo Disko was a notorious dance party that first took place at the Rhizome Collective in Austin, Texas in April of 2008. It dissolved all boundaries of age, gender, ethnic background or cultural milieu. Disko organizer and Coilhouse associate Angeliska Polacheck knows “how rare it is to find a party that transcends any one scene, where burners, hipsters, nerds, punks, queers, goths and all the beautiful and (thankfully) unclassifiable freaks can get together without the least trace of pretension or scorn.” We bid a sweaty, sparkly farewell to the Disko with this ecstatic photo essay.

Print To Fit
Good Dick Hunting
From the desk of designer Mildred Von Hildegard, a sneak peek at the new face of fashion house Mother of London’s much-anticipated upcoming collection. What better model for the label’s vision of high-tech aristocracy than the Prince of Darkness, bionic haute Halliburtonite with a penchant for hoods, duct tape, puppetry, Armageddon, undisclosed secret locations and the trappings of the Galactic Empire? When asked what more can be expected the forthcoming collaboration, Von Hildegard stated enigmatically, “my belief is that we will be greeted as liberators.”

Coilhouse Magazine, Issue 05: The Cover

EDIT, JUNE 30th: Coilhouse #05 is on sale now!

Behold: the cover of Issue 05 is revealed. It’s been tough keeping this one under wraps, but you’ll still have to wait a couple more days to see what’s inside. For now, we’ll just say that the cover image embodies the international flavor of this issue: it features Kenyan model Ajuma Nasenyana, channeling Jamaican-American superwoman Grace Jones in a monumental image by Iranian-born, Paris-based photographer Ali Mahdavi. You can see a larger version of the cover here.

Reflecting the issue’s theme – which can be summed up by 05’s rallying spine line of “Let All the Children Boogie” – the cover features blingtastic, discodelic, holographic gold foil. But that’s not the only special print flourish employed in issue. In addition to the gold foil, Issue 05 also features a large, beautiful, double-sided poster with custom artwork created exclusively for Coilhouse by a distinguished artist. Which artist? You’ll have to wait ’til Wednesday to find out.

In just two days, the contents of this issue will be revealed. If you want to be notified the very minute that this issue goes on sale, join our Mailing List. Check back soon!


HAPPY MERDAY! Your co-editors wish you blankets of autumn leaves, wreaths of kitten-bound turtles, a harem of lamé-wearing Italian 80s TV pop stars, a barrel of the finest mocha with a side of bum-biscuits, dusted with poop jokes and polished with mermaid tears, delivered by a stampede of naked hobbits on WETA legs. Every day, we marvel at your ability to juggle music recording, editorship, cross-hemisphere time travel, and simply being there for your friends in times of need. You leave a path of growing dendrites wherever you go, inspiring all who surround you to do their best. Like watching a magician who outdoes herself with each new act, we shiver with ANTICI… (master-master-master)… PATION of The Parlour Trick album that you’re probably working on as we type these words, and everything else that you’ll accomplish in the year to come.

Birthday card by Paul Komoda, who’s pig-sitting Mer’s beloved Ingmar Superstar while she’s in New Zealand.

Joshua Ellis Presents Dbasr

Most of you are familiar with the work of Coilhouse contributor Joshua Ellis. Perhaps you read his excellent article “Dark Miracle: Trinity, The Manhattan Project And The Birth Of The Atomic Agein Issue 02, or “Children by the Millions Wait for Alex Chiltonin Issue 04. He’s also been published in Mondo 2000, Make, and countless other fine publications. Additionally, he’s a musician and a web designer.

Josh has just launched a new project called Dbasr – a free, open-source content management system for musicians and other rich media artists. Dbasr aims to do for musicians what WordPress did for writers and artists – create a decentralized, customizable platform with an emphasis on flexible design options and usability.

Josh is uniquely qualified to undertake this sort of project owing to his experience as creative lead and co-founder of the now-defunct Mperia, a BitPass-founded, DRM-free online music store launched in the early 00s. Josh has described it as “a sort of radical iTunes where any artist could create a profile, upload their music, choose a price for each song and album, and sell it using BitPass’s payment system.” For complex reasons beyond the developers’ control, Mperia folded after four years. Since that time, Josh has been keeping an eye on more recent online stores and promo websites. He’s been doing his homework on interface and user experience, and has some excellent points concerning the various options musicians and fans currently have for presenting or perusing music online:

MySpace is ugly and clumsy, and music is shoehorned in as an afterthought to what the site was designed for […] Facebook is even worse. Music is just not what these sites are meant for. There are music-specific social-type network sites for bands, such as ReverbNation and Bandcamp. These are great tools for what they do, but I think they miss the point. Musicians — really any kind of artist — need their own unique presence online. Their web presence needs to match up with their individual aesthetic, and they need to be able to interact with their fans and publish work in ways that they and their fans choose.

Agreed.  A truly elegant, intuitive, multifunctional interface for presenting or buying independent music on the web has yet to surface. Click here to read what Josh has to say about his concept. Could DBASR could be be the site we’ve all been waiting for?

If you’ve enjoyed Josh’s work for Coilhouse, we’d like to invite to pitch in and help him devote himself to this project as if it were a full-time job. There are three ways that you can help – by donating to get the project going, contributing your coding skills, or simply spreading the word.

Questions? Opinions? Share them in comments.

Issue 05 is Coming! Join the Coilhouse Mailing List.

As we type this, Issue 05 of Coilhouse Magazine is being printed. We can’t wait to be reveal the contents of this issue to you. So many months of hard work went into this issue, and when you see the results, we think you’ll agree that it was worth the wait. It’s our biggest release to date, and there’ll be a lot of news to share. Just a few more weeks, comrades.

Join the Coilhouse Mailing List

When Issue 04 went on sale, we had no idea that it would sell out within 21 days. We got many comments from people saying, “damn, I didn’t even know that this issue is out, and now it’s gone!” We announced the issue on our blog and on Twitter, but we realize that not everybody checks in regularly, which is why, unfortunately, some of you missed out. In an effort to get word about Issue 05 out well in advance, we’d like to invite you to join our mailing list. Those who join will be notified in advance of Issue 05’s on-sale date in our shop. We may occasionally email you with other announcements, such as new merch releases, Coilhouse events, and other news. It goes without saying that we will never share your email or send you spam.

As with past issues, there will be no reprints. Once they’re gone, they’re gone. Believe us, this is one issue you don’t want to miss out on. So sign up now.